Wednesday, November 28, 2007

does he dare?

Quick addition to Keir's list of how to survive a winter of training inside. As someone not naturally in love with the trainer, I've always found that if you get one real long ride out of the way early, everything else seems easy. Example: if the longest ride you plan on doing for most of the winter is 3 hours, do a 4 hour ride early on. It will probably suck (you some of the many tips available to minimize said suckage), but when you get on for your normal 2-3 hour jaunts, time will go by a lot quicker. Plus you will mentally know that you could do 4, but you only HAVE to do 3 today. Grab a movie, I watched Th Flying Scotsman last night and would suggest it, and get rolling. Been a super easy day so far today, coffee, breakfast, and some surfing the net (mostly in hopes that the temperatures starts heading towards at least zero). I really want to ride outside for a few hours today. I think I may, as long as the temperature gets a little closer to zero anyways. Plus I gotta go out and get myself some winter tyres today, for the car that is. Check out the sweet Roubaix documentary I've posted below, not bad, as long as you understand French. Looks like I will be following the route of Keir for some testing at the hands of herr Vipond as well. And yes, I realize that he and I seem to have very similar story lines at many points. I need some kind of baseline, its easy to zone 1 rides - but eventually I may have to turn up the suffer knob. Plus its nice to have numbers to say, "yes, you are faster now than before". Or, "what the deuce is wrong with you. You're getting slower." I would hope for the earlier of the 2 options. There is talk from Keir of a "group" trainer ride on Sunday. And by group, I mean us two nutjobs. Not sure if many others, or any one other, are interested. But let one of us know. I may ski also.

Training corner, chez Sandy.

My view. This is mostly what I see for hours. Except during bottle refills.

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