Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rain and essays.

Rain, cold and generally miserable day today. No ride so far as again my day has been full with writing bloody essays (which apparently I'm pretty decent at) and a Drafting midterm. Pretty sure the midterm went quite well. Even with me arriving late. Basically, realized I was running late, grabbed my stuff, then realized I could not find my keys. Not a huge deal, I ride my bike to school, but unfortunate and worrisome nonetheless. Searched for a while, realized that I was now late, got soaked on the way to class cause my raincoat was in the car (missing keys...), ripped through my test and drawings, and got home to finish up my huge arse essay for Architecture. Found the keys by the way. Apparently I put them through the wash. Yes, I am that smart. They're all good though. Handed in my huge arse essay, got my last huge arse essay back (86%!) and generally dozed off. Not really. Now, time to get my stuff together (cleaned the room too, as it was quite the disaster area) and hit the road for Ottawa. Oh, got the bar fridge up and running finally and the Brita water filter in it. No more chlorinated tap water for this wanker! Oh, I've had a few coffees today now, so am somewhat jittery. Time to get back to the tasks at hand, and by that I mean stop updating you cyber fools.

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