Sunday, December 9, 2007

weekend update

Friday: nothing. Basically it. I was tired. So basically, got home, watched a bit of a movie with a beer and then went to sleep.
Saturday: work during the day, then went out for a few beers with Sarah Coney. Good to see one of the summer cyclist crew members back in Ottawa. Next up, baking. More on that escapade after the fact.
Sunday: early awakening for a ski with the old man crew, plus me and Vipond. Wicked fun. Basically beat around in the bush, on our race skis (except fancy boy Nick with some back country) skis, for about 3 hours. Seriously intense 3 hours. Mostly trudging through 20cm if fresh powder. Breaking trail, and generally careening around down the hills out of control. It commonly, ok every hill, seemed to end with me tangling myself around trees, not sticking the landing, or eating a lot of snow. I also got a lot of snow down my pants. To be fair, it was voted that I made the day fun. Everyone would go down the hill first, then let me know when I could drop it when they found good vantage points. I also took home prizes for going the fastest (though fully without control) and most air of several jumps. I need to learn to land next. No I find myself back in Perth, attempting to
a) study. math exam tomorrow.
b) write my massive architecture paper.
Unfortunately, both are not currently happening. Though I will change that. Right after I brew some coffee. To prove my commitment, I will now sign this post off. Serious.

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