Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Made it. After so many hours in planes, on a train, and of course in airports being searched and questions, I made it. Had a bit of a fun time explaining to the Canadian customs official that yes I spent nearly 3 months in Europe but had only $20 worth of stuff to claim. I offered to show him my bank statements to prove that even if I could have fit more in my suitcase, I could not afford it. The 6 beer I did bring back had already cost me an extra 25 Euro due to them putting my bike bad overweight. 3.5 kilos over the limit! But I made it. Nice flight overall, personal TVs, and of course the wonderful direct London to Ottawa flight. Haven't really unpacked per se, really more of simply rooting through the bags for anything I need. Got a nice 1.5 hours on the tt bike this morning and the legs felt quite decent. Quick stop by the shop to say hello to the boys (and Jenny) and then family stuff to take care of. Little tired this aft for sure though, I think a nap will be in order before re-assembling my bike and then a decision on the park ride will be made. I think I will at least head over there to say hey, see how the legs feel when we get going. Good to see many of you already, home to see more soon. But don't bother me during my nap. No one likes a cranky Sandy.

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