This is Sandy after 2 days sans long sleeves/leggies. Woah.
One exam down, 2 to go. Spun the legs nice and easy in the sun for a good little hour and a half after my morning exam yesterday, and will probably do something similar today. I kind of want to drive into Ottawa after my exam to ride the A crit tonight, but ma being realistic in the sense that I should probably at least pretend to study for my math exam tomorrow, especially considering my incredible math skillz. Decided yesterday that it would be a complete waste of my day to not bbq hamburgers in the sun and drink a beer or 2 with the weather being so bloody nice. My only issue (I happened to have a few Belgian blondes around) was a lack of a bbq. Luckily I am a problem solver, so I Macguyvered myself a bbq type device and bought a little charcoal. Aluminum foil pan, some "found" chicken wire type grill thing and a little wire stand to avoid burning the porch. Worked like a charm (see inserted picture).I was fully quite full after the first burger and some couscous salad, but I ate a second massive one because I still had a few toppings to try out (see avocado burger!). Side note, I really need to stay away from grocery stores when I'm hungry. Either way, a cold Stella, some fat burgers and a good hockey game (go habs!) left me quite satisfied with my evening. Now we'll see how much studying I can pack into my afternoon to see if I can allow myself to go a crit ridin' this eve. I really need to start packing up my crap too. I think I own wayyyy to much stuff. Especially to shove it all into a Civic. Maybe I'll use tonight as an excuse to bring the first load home...
you're a beast!
nice burger!
where the heck did you get that BBQ?!?!?
hand crafted.
nothing like a good burger...
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