Wednesday, May 20, 2009

hot hot heat

Its been pretty hot here. Sun, blue skies, nothing much to complain about. Sometimes while dripping on the way up some cols, I may wish for a tad less sun or heat, but overall I am adapting and my tan shows it. Did one of my favourite types of rides here yesterday after the solid beach rest day (which also involved my first venture into the aquatic oasis known as the Mediterranean), the hard mountain ride. This type of ride involves writing down names of towns/villages off my map in the order I wish to ride through, generally trying to link climbs together, stuffing some food and clothes in my pockets and heading out with a vague timeline. This leads to lesson 1:

-When riding in the mountains, always bring extra clothes. Don't worry about the weight, and you may curse them while really sweating up a col. But its often more than worth it.

Yesterdays main feature col was the col de Vence, and maybe col de Bleine - if I could find it and time allowed. After rolling over col de Vence I continue along the ridge through beautiful scenery until while wondering which direction to turn at a fork, some serious weather blew in. Not a big deal, I was on schedule, but was not willing to test my exploration skills in the mountains with lack of vision beyond 50 ft. and some pretty chilly temperatures suddenly. Lckily, I had followed rule #1 for mountain riding and therefor vested and arm warmered up. Made my way back down Vence and then found a new climbing heavy route home. 4 hours of tempo climbing leaves that nice ache in the legs, and a solid feeling of accomplishment in the head. Today will be an easy 1-2 hours to prepare for tomorrow's hard day in the mountains, which I am most deffinately looking forward to with great anticipation.
"La velo, c'est une sport de suffrance."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sandy, I am coming to stay and Yannicks in July. I just wanted to ask you about your living arrangements. Email me please at