Monday, January 19, 2009

Rolling along

Another weekend has come and gone, and my motivational levels continue to creep higher and higher. I'm not going to lie, I'm pumped for spring. With my slight delay in starting serious training this year with increased school load, I'm hoping to come into the season fresh and firing for some results. I've got a plan set out and so far doing pretty good at following it. Many a day seem to be marked now by rising early again to ride before class/work so that I can also take advantage of the evenings with some down time/homework time/other training time. By other training I mean I did pushups and crunches this one time last week. At least the weather has improved so I should be getting some more xc skiing in this week. At present, a southern training local for reading week is not looking as promising as hoped and unless some incredible deal comes up... looks like I'll be spending my February in Ottawa for the first time in a few years. Unfortunate, but workable. Otherwise, life goes on.

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