Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ol' Yellow

My old yellow fixie had seen better days. So many winter miles through snow, sleet, rain, and salt had left her with numerous flats, some profoundly out of true wheels and generally a bunch of rust. Only one option. New stuff. And by new stuff I mean clean out Vince's shop and my mom's basement with "new" and generally unwanted stuff. Meet my new Frankenstein. I'd put up some pictures, but I lent my camera to someone. So those will have to wait. As a hint, I'm digging the comfort of the new mustache bars. Unfortunately I'm in that training dead zone at the moment. But this "zone" has several reasons:
a - Its really cold and I forgot my winter tights again. With the cold comes less daylight hours. Not to mention the occaisional snow flurry, but still not enough to ski.
b - School. I am back in essay zone. I pounded out several thousand researched words in the last few days. And have a few thousand more to go I fear. Plus some architectural drawings. Should be over this hump by weeks end as I'm trying to just motor through as much as possible today.
Otherwise life continues along. Things are looking up for next season, I just need to find some legs to go with it. I think its about time to start watching some race DVDs to up my willingness to ride the rollers/turbo. I'm really just not feeling that right now. Though, it does beat homework.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rides aboard...


winter dirt rally riding blast!